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机械用黄油 英文 机械用黄油英文

时间:2024-03-12 11:18 点击:139 次

Machine grease, also known as mechanical grease or lubricating grease, is a type of semi-fluid substance that is used to reduce friction and wear between moving parts in machinery. It is composed of a base oil and a thickener, along with various additives to enhance its performance. Machine grease plays a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation and longevity of mechanical equipment.

Properties of Machine Grease

Machine grease possesses several important properties that make it suitable for use in various mechanical applications. Firstly, it has a high viscosity, which means it can adhere to the surfaces of moving parts and provide long-lasting lubrication. Additionally, it has a high melting point, allowing it to remain stable and effective even under high temperatures. Furthermore, machine grease is resistant to water and contaminants, preventing the formation of rust and corrosion on machinery.

Types of Machine Grease

There are different types of machine grease available, each designed for specific applications. Lithium-based grease is the most common type, suitable for general-purpose lubrication. Calcium-based grease is often used in heavy-duty machinery due to its excellent load-carrying capacity. Synthetic greases, such as polyurea and silicone greases, offer superior performance in extreme temperatures and harsh environments. Specialized greases, such as food-grade or biodegradable greases, are also available for specific industries or environmental considerations.

Benefits of Using Machine Grease

Using machine grease offers several benefits for mechanical equipment. Firstly, it reduces friction and wear between moving parts, minimizing the risk of breakdowns and extending the lifespan of machinery. It also helps to dissipate heat generated during operation, preventing overheating and damage to components. Additionally, machine grease provides a protective barrier against moisture, dust, and contaminants, maintaining the efficiency and reliability of machinery.

Application Areas

Machine grease finds extensive use in various industries and applications. It is commonly used in automotive and transportation equipment, such as engines, bearings, and chassis components. It is also essential in manufacturing and industrial machinery, including gears, pumps, and conveyors. Other areas where machine grease is utilized include agriculture, construction, mining, and marine equipment. Each application requires specific grease formulations tailored to the operating conditions and equipment requirements.

Proper Grease Selection

Choosing the right machine grease is crucial for optimal equipment performance. Factors to consider include the operating temperature range, load capacity, speed, and environmental conditions. Consulting equipment manufacturers' recommendations and industry standards can help determine the appropriate grease type and specifications. Regular maintenance and lubrication schedules should also be followed to ensure the consistent application of grease and prevent equipment failure.

Storage and Handling

Proper storage and handling of machine grease are essential to maintain its effectiveness. Grease should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures. It should be protected from contamination and moisture to prevent degradation. When applying grease, clean tools and equipment should be used to avoid introducing impurities. Additionally, proper disposal methods should be followed to minimize environmental impact.


Machine grease is a vital component in maintaining the performance and longevity of mechanical equipment. Its properties and benefits make it an indispensable lubricant in various industries. By understanding the different types of machine grease, selecting the appropriate formulation, and following proper storage and handling practices, machinery operators can ensure the smooth operation and reliability of their equipment.



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